Trinity Writers’ Group 2020 Holy Week



          Greetings! Welcome to the Trinity Writers’ Group collection of Holy Week writings. The index of writings is listed below. Click a title to read it. These pages are best viewed from a full screen computer or ipad. If you’re viewing this page from a phone, you will have to scroll below the “Index of Writings” to view the writing. You can also download a pdf copy of these writings.
by Alice Kornegay Quinn
          The sun was slowly fading in the west as the evening hour was drawing near. As the hours turned to darkness, the 11th hour was slowly coming. No one knew what this could possibly mean as Peter had made the arrangement for the Passover supper. This was the day of feast of the unleavened bread. Peter had done just as Jesus had directed him to do. Jesus had already informed his disciples of his betrayal and Crucifixion. This is too much for his disciples to understand. How could they survive without Jesus?
          When the disciples entered the building where the supper was to be held, Jesus was already seated, or as in, those days leaning against the table. The disciples were seated as Jesus had instructed. John was seated at the right hand of Jesus and Judas was seated to his left. The right and left side of Jesus. This arrangement was always reserved for the honored guest. The other disciples were leaning around the table, making it easier for Jesus to talk to everyone.
          As they ate, Jesus said to them, “I will tell you, one of you here will betray me.” They all looked at each and were very sad to hear such news. Then each one began to say,” Surely it is not I Lord?” Then Jesus spoke to them and told them that the one who dipped his hand in the bread will betray me. Jesus then said, it would have been better if he had never been born. Judas looked at Jesus and said, “Surely it is not I Rabbi,” and then He looked at Judas and said, “You are the one.”
          When they had finished their meal, Jesus took the bread, gave thanks, broke it and gave it to his disciples and said, “Eat this is my body.” Then he took the cup, gave thanks and offered it to his disciples and told them to drink, that it was his blood of the covenant, which is poured out for forgiveness of sins.
          After this, they sang a hymn and went out to the Mount of Olives.