Stitched in Prayers
Trinity’s Stitched in Prayers Ministry
In 1998, Janet Bristow and Victoria Galo gave birth to the prayer shawl ministry. They were both drawn to the shawl image, having seen the comfort a shawl can bring during times of difficulty and stress. As they began making the shawls, they found that it became a spiritual experience for them. They recognized that the shawls were a gift of love that blesses the recipient as well as the maker of the shawl.
On Valentine’s Day, 2007, Dottie Stevens held the first prayer shawl ministry meeting at Trinity. The ministry was named “Stitched in Prayers” after considering other possible names. In 2013, Linda Conley became the coordinator of the ministry. Since 2007, the Stitched in Prayers Ministry has given over 1,000 shawls and blankets to not only members of our church family but to others in need. Shawls are given to those who face illness, bereavement or other challenges. Many shawls have been given to families of fallen soldiers, residents of nursing homes, those in hospice, cancer patients and to the Wesley Center in Portsmouth. The ministry also makes prayer cloths which are given for bereavement or to those who have already received a prayer shawl and face another difficult situation. Small prayer cloths, which are usually red, white and blue, are given to members of the military. The ministry also makes chemo caps and other small items that are made to provide comfort to the recipient.
Each month the prayer shawls are placed on the chancel rail to be blessed during our communion service.
If you would like to be a member of our Stitched in Prayers ministry, please contact Linda Conley. To reach her, please contact our church office. Members of the ministry will be happy to teach you how to knit or crochet. We can even provide yarn for the shawls you make and we gratefully accept donations of yarn. Of course, monetary donations are welcome too!
The need for shawls is great. Please contact Linda Conley if you would like to give someone a shawl. The shawl ministry also keeps a small crate of shawls outside the church office. All are welcome to take a shawl to give to someone in need. Please leave the name of the person in the provided notebook so that we will know that they have already received the shawl and so that we can put their name on our prayer list.
On the ( website, Kay S. of Emporia, Kansas says, “Making shawls has changed my life! I have learned about love through making and giving shawls–the more I get back–especially when I give without expectations of anything being returned.”