United Methodist Women
1869 to Present
♦ In 1869, 6 women gathered to hear about the plight of women in India.
♦ Because of the culture, women could not be treated by a male doctor or educated by a male teacher.
♦ They raised enough money to send a missionary and an educator to India to treat and teach women.
♦ Today we raise money to support missions locally, state wide, nationally and globally for women, children and youth.
♦ We seek to inform about social injustice, and through our faith promote hope by putting our love into action.

Faith Hope Love in Action
Through educational opportunities our members grow spiritually and become more deeply rooted in Christ.
Our missions empower women, care for children and educate and equip youth. We advocate for social justice issues, create economic opportunities and strengthen neighborhoods.
Our members give out of their love for the world to 121 programs taking place in 110 countries.
UMW members’ voices are heard around the world as they call for justice on issues such as human trafficking, domestic violence, health care and the environment.
We are women with a purpose, and that purpose is mission to women, children and youth.
Invitation to You…

Please contact us for more information.
UMW President: Brenda Cox
Trinity’s UMW Circles
Gwaltney Jacquette Circle
meets 10am in the Wesley classroom.
Circle Leader: Joann Burnham
Susannah Wesley Circle
meets at 7pm in the Chapel.
Circle Leader: Ann Fisher
Each circle meets monthly September-June on the 2nd Tuesday. If these days and times do not fit your schedule, we will be glad to help you start a new circle.
UMW Missions
We are women with a purpose and that purpose is mission to women, children and youth.
Red Cross Blood Drive in September
Nursing Home Birthday Party in January
Old Fashion Hymn Sing/Tea in May
Wesley Community Service Center-Portsmouth
Western Tidewater Free Clinic
Mission of Hope
Christian Outreach (C.O.P.)
Smithfield Hands & Hearts
TUMC Youth
Operation Smile
Genieve Shelter
Prison Fellowship
Hygiene kits for UMCOR
Auction to support Relay for Life
All God’s Children Camp
Thanksgiving Baskets for C.O.P.
Christmas gifts for children of a needy family
York River District Missions
Henry Fork Center
Red Bird Missions
Eastern Migrant Ministry (Una Familia)
Mattaponi Healing Eagle Clinic
Wesley Community Service Center
Eastern Shore: Agape Christian Children’s Community Center
Henry Fork Center
Red Bird Missions
Eastern Shore: Agape Christian Children’s Community Center
Eastern Migrant Ministry (Una Familia)
Mattaponi Healing Eagle Clinic
Wesley Community Service Center
More About the United Methodist Women

The purpose of the United Methodist Women (UMW) is to know God, to experience fellowship, and expand the concept of missions through participation in the local and global ministries of the church.
All women of the church are invited and encouraged to join one of our Circles. We currently have two Circles that meet on the 2nd Tuesday of each month, September through June. The Gwaltney-Jacquette Circle meets at 11:00 am, and the Susannah Wesley Circle, meets at 7:00 pm. Both meetings are held at the church. Our focus is on women, children and youth. Participating in UMW is a wonderful opportunity to meet new people, make new friends, and enjoy fun and fellowship as we seek to serve others.
Through our UMW’s ministry focus on women, children, and youth the UMW conducts fund raising projects during the year to contribute to local missions and other areas of need. Each November one of our big projects is selling homemade Heavenly Angel biscuits. The Susannah Wesley members get together in the church kitchen to make the biscuits from scratch, stuff them with country ham (or unstuffed, if you wish!), package them, and have them ready for pickup all in one weekend! Typically, we make between 2,000 – 2,500 biscuits each year! It’s a big effort, but the rewards are many!
UMW also has an annual fall Brunswick Stew fundraiser at the Smithfield Farmer’s Market. This is another major project, one that is eagerly awaited by the whole community. The stew is homemade and sold by the quart. Our fundraising efforts allow us to donate to many worthy causes, including, but not limited to, Relay for Life, Operation Smile, Western Tidewater Free Clinic, Wesley Community Center, Christian Outreach Program (COP), the Genieve Shelter, EDMARC, and our own Trinity Youth missions.

Our UMW members make prayer shawls, donate and assemble health kits and layette kits annually for UMCOR, volunteer at Christian Outreach, tutor and/or read to children in our local schools, teach adult and children’s Sunday School classes. Several UMW members teach Sunday School at the local assisted living home, Smithfield Manor.
Our members are involved – come and join us and have your life enriched with mission work! Check out the UMW bulletin board which is right across from the church office – there are names and phone numbers of our Circle leaders displayed as well as other information. And, you can call the office, 357-3659, if you need more information and/or you need a ride. We’ll come and get you!