Meet Our Staff




Dan Kim, Lead Pastor

Email Pastor Kim

         I was born in Korea, but was raised in Virginia. I grew up in Williamsburg, attended Virginia Tech for college, and then spent several years in Boston earning two master’s degrees from both Boston University and Boston College. My wife and I met at the best place anyone can find love, at a United Methodist Church! Seriously! Esther and I have been married for 14 wonderful years, and we have two children, Micah and Moriah. My passion for ministry is to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and my purpose is to help everyone become a disciple of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. At the time of writing this, my favorite book of the Bible is Philippians, and my favorite passage is Philippians 4:4-7:

Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

          Why is it my favorite? It would be a privilege to have the opportunity to tell you. Reach out! I’d love to meet you. 

          C.S. Lewis once said in his book Mere Christianity, “Your real, new self (which is Christ’s and also yours, and yours just because it is His) will not come as long as you are looking for it. It will come when you are looking for Him.” Indeed, that’s been the case for my life. In the search for myself and my identity, I never really found it. It was only when I went looking for Jesus that I found truly myself and that I belonged to Christ. 

Meredith Parks, Preschool Director/Communications Director

          I grew up in Smithfield, Virginia and I am a member of Trinity UMC. I began working with children at the age of 14 at my local dance studio. I graduated from Radford University with a Bachelor’s of Fine Arts in Dance and from The College of Charleston with a Master’s of Arts in Teaching Elementary Education with a Fine Arts endorsement. I taught in the public school setting for seven years and was teacher of the year in 2012.  My experience in the education field has helped me to understand the importance of communication and building relationships.  I am blessed with two beautiful children and a loving family.  God blessed me with the opportunity to use my gifts to serve my church and community.

Patricia Barnes, Director of Traditional Worship

      Not long ago, the Lord transplanted me nearly 2700 miles across the continent, away from my lifelong home amid the palm trees, billboards, and bustling freeways of Southern California, to my beautiful new home surrounded by expansive blue skies and the verdant farms and forests of Central Virginia! I brought along with me years of experience as a church musician, having served congregations as a choir/music director, worship leader, section leader/soloist, and accompanist, while also having taught music and performed professionally in vocal ensembles and as a freelance soloist since my early years in college. Additionally, I have an extensive background in wholesale distribution, business to business sales, account management, and supply chain services, and have served communities as an elected chairperson, board member, and activities leader within locally and nationally prominent environmental organizations. I am so blessed by the warm welcome I have received here at Trinity, and am tremendously blessed and thankful to have been given the opportunity to serve my brothers and sisters in Christ within the Church and wherever in the world the Lord leads me!

 Joyce Franklin, Minister of Visitation

          Joyce was born into a wonderful Christian family just outside of Windsor Va. and grow up there on the farm. After high school, Joyce fell in love and married Chuck Shumate, who was soon to become a Methodist minister in the Virginia conference.  Chuck and Joyce served 7 appointments in the Virginia conference. In 2013 Chuck went to heaven to be with his Maker. Joyce enjoys working with many different generations in the church. However, the elderly and children hold a special place in her heart. She is enjoying visiting with the mature and wise members of our church community and hearing their stories because they have a lot of wisdom to share. 

 Kimberly Orrock, Director of Children’s Ministries

          Kim Orrock is our Director of Children’s Ministries. She earned a Bachelor’s of Science Degree from Southwest Texas State University in San Marcos, Texas. Her teaching experience is varied including a natural science museum, Sea World, a rehab center for adults with acquired brain injuries, and a private Christian school. Family time is very important to Kim. She especially enjoys spending time with her family playing games, cooking, doing crafts, and visiting science museums and zoos.
          The children of Trinity United Methodist Church have been a blessing to Kim and she has enjoyed her time spent with them. Her lessons engage children through hands on activities, skits, games, cooking, science, and fun. She loves her volunteers who regularly come to her with ideas for missions, trips, and projects. She emphasizes the importance of prayer and how much God loves each and every child. Her goal is to make each child feel loved and valued.

 Becky Ringler, Pianist

          Rebecca is a Brittle girl from Wakefield, VA and played for her church there growing up. She has loved music all of her life, and besides my family, was encouraged to play and sing by older musician friends. (The singing came later.) Rebecca moved to Smithfield in 1987 and started going to Trinity soon after moving. She has been involved with the early service since it began.

 Judy McNure, Nursery Coordinator

          Judy has been the nursery coordinator at Trinity for many years. She is also an Algebra teaching assistant at Smithfield High School. Judy is married and has 3 sons. She often enjoys chaperoning school and church events.
