Catch the Habit
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Catch the Habit for C.O.P.
The Challenge
The MAF Class at Trinity, in response to a Sunday School lesson, began a project in mid-2006 to challenge each member to bring a food item each Sunday to benefit the Christian Outreach Program’s food pantry. The class got “in the habit”, challenged other classes as well, and eventually brought it to the congregation.
Catch the Habit
Thus “Catch the Habit for COP” was born. We have a neat little slogan; we have a “cheerleader” who comes before the congregation several times a year to remind us to “Catch the Habit”; and she leads us in a little theme song.
We have baskets to collect the food items all over the church. Volunteers count the food and send it off to the food pantry.
Like Leaven
It has taken off like leaven in a loaf of bread, and we have contributed well over 115,000 food items since the beginning.
The Power of One
It is a testimony to the power of one—one person bringing one food item each Sunday—one person making a difference in the life of a hungry person in Isle of Wight County.
The Foundation
Lord, when did we see You hungry…inasmuch as you did it to the least of these…you did it to Me. (Matthew 25:37-40 selected)
The Theme Song
Catch the Habit, Catch the Habit, Each & E very One, Each & Every One
We are helping others, We are helping others
In Christ’s Name, In Christ’s Name!
Visit the Isle of Wight Christian Outreach Website for the most up to date information: